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![44th!+naval+escort].! taskforce 

43rd Chinese naval escort taskforce officially starts escort
44th Chinese naval escort taskforce concludes visit to Oman
45th 46th Chinese naval escort taskforces rotate in Gulf of Aden
44th Chinese naval escort taskforce arrives in Kuwait 中国军网
Chinese naval escort task force fulfills 1600th escorting task
44th Chinese naval escort taskforce arrives in Muscat Oman
Escort Missions CHINA China Military
PLA Navy steps into deep blue contributes to global peace
China's 45th naval fleet sets sail for escort mission in Gulf
China’s Navy in Pacific Island Ports The Diplomat
China’s Growing Naval Influence in the Middle East
Chinese naval escort task force safeguards vital China Mil
44th Chinese Naval Escort Force Concludes Visit to Oman
The Chinese navy docks in Maputo in a renewed diplomatic push
44th Chinese naval escort taskforce arrives in Kuwait
43rd Chinese naval escort taskforce sets sail for Gulf of
China's warships in Middle East on routine escort missions
44th 45th Chinese naval escort taskforces rotate in Gulf of
44th Chinese naval escort taskforce wraps up Qatar visit
Chinese naval escort taskforces complete mission rotation in

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  • 26/12/2024 |
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  • 44th Chinese naval escort taskforce arrives in Muscat Oman |
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  • PLA Navy steps into deep blue contributes to global peace
  • China's 45th naval fleet sets sail for escort mission in Gulf
  • China’s Navy in Pacific Island Ports The Diplomat
  • China’s Growing Naval Influence in the Middle East
  • Chinese naval escort task force safeguards vital China Mil

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  • 45th 46th Chinese naval escort taskforces rotate in Gulf of Aden
  • 44th Chinese naval escort taskforce arrives in Kuwait 中国军网


Chinese naval escort task force fulfills 1600th escorting task

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