44th 45th Chinese naval escort taskforces rotate in Gulf of
China PLA stationed up to 6 warships in Middle East over past
The reality of China's influence in the Middle East Asia Times
PLA Navy in second rescue operation in a month reflecting
China's warships in Middle East on routine escort missions
East meets
middle China’s blossoming relationship
with Saudi
Chinese naval
vessels conduct joint
training with Egyptian
News China Military
Sustaining the Chinese Navy’s Operations at Sea Bigger Fists
44th Chinese naval escort taskforce arrives in Kuwait 中国军网
Naval War College Review
46th Chinese naval escort taskforce visits Egypt Ministry
46th Chinese naval escort taskforce conducts joint maritime
Chinese naval escort task force safeguards vital China Mil
PLA Navy completes 1600th escort mission making concrete
Increased Chinese naval force present in
Middle East region
Chinese naval escort taskforces complete mission rotation in
The Impact and Implications of China’s Growing Influence in
46th Chinese naval escort taskforce visits Egypt
China deploys six warships over fears
Israel crisis could
China strengthens naval presence in Middle East amid rising
44th Chinese naval escort taskforce arrives in Muscat Oman
China sends new
naval fleet for escort mission in Gulf of Aden
44th Chinese Naval Escort Force Concludes Visit to Oman