+*(wow.defias+escort)++ The Defias Traitor NPC Classic World of Warcraft Wowhead
The Defias Brotherhood Quest Classic World of Warcraft
La Confrérie défias Quête World of Warcraft Classic
The Defias Brotherhood Quest WoWMania Armory
The Defias Brotherhood Quests ClassicDB WoW Database
Confrérie défias Quêtes DataBase NostalGeek Serveur
The Defias Brotherhood Quest Classic wow database
Der Verräter der Defias NPC World of Warcraft Classic
La hermandad de los Defias Misión TBC Clásico Wowhead
Die Bruderschaft der Defias Quest World of Warcraft Classic
The Defias Brotherhood Quest WoW Mania
The Defias Brotherhood Quest TBC Classic Wowhead